Program stopped working

Hello. I wrote a program where you type a word and then the program tries to find out what the word is by trying all possible combinations (changing letters(aaa, aab, aac, ..., baa, bab, ...)) and then comparing it with the word you typed. It works good if I type something like ahe or so but if I type e.g. ddd it goes to b6y and then stops working. I tried debugging and it says "program received signal sigsegv segmentation fault"

EDIT: Just counted lines with notepad and found out it tries 2233 different combinations and then stops working
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SIGSEGV invalid memory access (segmentation fault)

bad array index perhaps. More info with actual code.
couldn't it somehow run out of memory? I am 99% sure there is nothing wrong with the code in term of functioning
solved. my fault, sorry
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