
Guys how to create a .txt file which would have 10 plane names in txt file and to each plane name assign categories. When a program would run it would let select which planes information it wants to see (there will be 10 planes) .
for example

plane 1:
leaves at: 10:20
arrives: 14:50
airport: someairport

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How to write to a file? Just like you write to std::cout.
See http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/files/

When a program would run it would select which planes information it wants to see

That is a separate task. With the amount of data that you have it is better to have it all in memory when the program runs.

Perhaps you should have a struct to hold data of one plane. Then you could have a vector of those structs to keep and access info of all planes.

Once you know what and how to read data, you have answer on how to write it.
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