larger numbers wont print out correctly

So i have a problem where large numbers wont print out correctly. I tried debugging and the number is said to be 657901841 it is gotten from adding all numbers together in a for loop. However when i tried to output the result it would output as -2147483648. I will only post part of the code where it is having the problem because its too long.

  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {      //Adds total together

		TimeTotal += NTimeTotal[i];
		StepTotal += NStepTotal[i];
     cout << StepTotal << endl;


So when i tried to print out the number it would give it as a negative stated above. It is really weird because when i played around it a few days ago, it didnt have this problem at all. I dont even remember changing the code around. But now, its surprisingly giving me this error. Any fix for this? I have tried using fixed , setprecision etcc.. No luck ;(. Thanks for any help!

The value is probably too large for an int, try changing the type of StepTotal to long int

Read about the basic types here:
i have tried that still the same ;(

EDIT: i tried unsigned long int and it fixes the negative number problem but wrong console output compared to the debugger version
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Was StepTotal initialised properly? If it wasn't, it could be some large random value. Also show the code where the values are put into the array.

In short make a small compilable program that demonstrates the problem.

Does your program run? If so consider using a debugger.
I think i fixed it! thanks for the help!
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