codeblocks autocomplete problem

Hey guys,

I seem to be having a problem with auto completion,one of the main reasons people use an IDE is for this feature so it's very tedious without it,

I am using SDL,and when I type SDL none of the options such as function names or structures appear,the code works fine but just the autocomplete does not,

in the build options I linked to SDL(which is in another folder on my desktop I linked to both the include and lib folders)

I included the following compiler options

-lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2

as I said everything works fine except the autocomplete

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I ended up solving it by moving the header files into the include directory in mingw and the lib files to the lib folder in mingw,wonder why that fixed it?

Could it be that when compiling and linking the program the command line did not include the proper path to the needed files? But when you moved the files the path was already there.

Just a thought.

Thanks Andy =)

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