Box2d or cocos2d-x? + clouding

closed account (367kGNh0)
I intend on making a physics based wacky android slingshot game.

For a more professional layout and easier physics compiling do you recommend Box2d or cocos2d-x?

I also really want to know how to share files. My friend and I are working on this game as a team project. we are local but for the times we wont be (i.e holidays) how do we send the game files to and from each other so we can each work on what we are best at on the game. For example if I want to send the game to my co worker so he can simple just debug some errors and improve them then return the debugged product back to me so I can get back to it.

thank you

return 0;

I also really want to know how to share files. My friend and I are working on this game as a team project. we are local but for the times we wont be (i.e holidays) how do we send the game files to and from each other so we can each work on what we are best at on the game. For example if I want to send the game to my co worker so he can simple just debug some errors and improve them then return the debugged product back to me so I can get back to it.
Get Bitbucket accounts and set up a team consisting of the two of you (this is free up to 3 or 5 people [I can't remember which]). Then you can create your repositories on that team and the two of you will have access to them.
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