Need Help in Codechef Question

I need help in the challenge problem chef and matching in return i can help among any of the first four problems of division 1
You also need help in formulating a half-decent question that can be answered.

Is there normally so many threads about coding challenges?
It's a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy.

The more codechef questions get asked, the higher up features in google searches for "codechef help", and the more codechef questions it attracts. This post isn't helping either ;).

It's not the questions per se which bother, it's the woeful lack of effort.
This guy's not even asking a question. He's asking for a alliance with fellow cheaters. If I had seen this when it was a single post I would have "reported" it, which actually removes it (if it's a single post). I suggest we do that from now on to stop the infestation from growing. Hit "report" and give the reason "cheater".
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