Problem with minGW

I have a problem with minGW version and I copied archives by: hpps:// , but now I have this errors: fatal error: synchapi.h: No such file or directory.

#include "mingw.invoke.h"

#include <synchapi.h>   //  For WaitForSingleObject
#include <handleapi.h>  //  For CloseHandle, etc.
#include <sysinfoapi.h> //  For GetNativeSystemInfo
#include <processthreadsapi.h>  //  For GetCurrentThreadId
#include <process.h>  //  For _beginthreadex 
My MinGW has <synchapi.h>, it's located at:

>dir /s synchapi.h
 Directory of C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include

          8,575 synchapi.h
          1 File(s)          8,575 bytes

cd to your mingw folder and do "dir /s synchapi.h" to see if it exists.
If it does exist... try adding the directory to your list of include search paths.
It it doesn't... I'm not sure what do to then. What version of Windows are you running? What version of MinGW do you have? You might need to update MinGW.
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I put in prompt command and there aren't. the version are 6.3.
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