what are your favorite c++ resources

I was just wondering what everyones favorite c++ resource was. The c++ FAQ from Marshall Cline seems a good one. Im not that familiar with newsgroups. The few times Ive tried to read them there was just way to much spam and garbage being posted. you read one thing and the next 10 posts are about viagra. its way to distracting to even bother.
This one and cprogramming. Other than that google rules, you can use every website on google; practically all of them.
yea google does wonders. i did a google on function pointers and it lead to a website with more information on function pointers then i could even digest.

if you like cprogramming website you should check out http://www.learncpp.com/ they have some good language tutorials.

Guru of the Week by Herb Sutter has some nice stuff for more advanced C++ users:

And a C++0x resource by Bjarne Stroustrup:

Both Sutter and Stroustrup also have books - about which I've heard good things - which are presumably good resources (they are on my purchase list...)

I frequently use the reference on this site to lookup standard library stuff (often STL related stuff). For other libraries, I usually visit the official site for documentation, or failing that use Google.
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I have interest in Herb Sutter's exceptional c++ series as well as his coding standards book but im afraid it might be to advanced for me yet. I have a few books by Scott Meyers I need to read first that ive also been putting off for the same reason. the effective c++ and more effective c++ as well as effective stl.
I'm a little more than halfway through Problem Solving with C++ 8e by Walter Savitch. It has many problems to work through to help ensure that the concepts are thoroughly understood, with a good portion as an exercise in great agony. I do still like tutorials for overviews (if not for practice, at least in other domains) and forums like this that are very helpful getting me out of hopeless situations. After this book I plan to go through a text on DirectX 11 along with a lot of learning material accompanying its SDK. But doing all this is mainly for envisioning more possibilities with ActionScript (albeit possibilities probably still simplistic by many of your lights), which is why I don't know if I'll be getting to the Effective series sooner rather than later if I even do.
Thank you for the web adress acorn, it appears useful.
Though I've been on record in this forum as an anti video lecture guy, I've found these C++0x lectures by Mr. STL (Stephan T. Lavavej) as both fun and educational (and quite up-to-date, too):
http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/C9-Lectures-Introduction-to-STL-with-Stephan-T-Lavavej (9 parts intro and basics, and at least 5 -afaik, on advanced stuffs)
stl's website: http://nuwen.net/stl.html

SFMLcoder -you all know who he is ;): http://sfmlcoder.wordpress.com/

books: search google books

and yeah, this site's Documentation/Reference/Articles
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Microsoft's MSDN documentation is really good as well. Just be careful - some of the stuff on there is Microsoft specific, but they do always warn you when that is the case.
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