A very quick question on declaring stuff

If int* x defines a pointer, then does int& y define a reference?

I know it sounds like a silly question, but it's screwing me up at this one part
yea you got it, *x is a pointer and &y is a reference.

so x would "point" to the memory location of whatever its equal to.

lets say
int bill = 15;
int* x = bill;

the memory address of bill will be some address location and thats what x will be equal to, the memory address of bill.
ex. bill is stored at location 100A, x is equal to 100A.

if u use the & operator, you "dereference" the memory address, basically meaning you take whats actually at that memory location.

so int y = &x will give you 15.

try it out in a simple program and here's some more info about it if you still don't get it.

closed account (zb0S216C)
Yes, it does. Note that references must have an initializer.

tech junkie wrote:
int* x = bill; (sic)

Where's your address-of operator?

tech junkie wrote:
if u use the & operator, you "dereference" the memory address (sic)

Only pointers can be dereferenced. The address-of operator reveals the address of the first byte of the operand given to it; nothing more, nothing less. When the address-of operator is used in combination with pointers, the address-of operator is used to give the pointer an address to point to.

tech junkie wrote:
so int y = &x will give you 15. (sic)

No. In C++, a memory address and a int are two different things. Only pointers can refer to an address in memory.

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Technically, you are declaring though, not defining.
closed account (zb0S216C)
I guess define and declare can be used interchangeably when referring to variable, no?

Not really sure,(i'm still a nub after a couple years of c++(really :( )) but i thought that declaring a variable was saying something like "int x;" whereas defining it would be "x = 3"

Please don't take me word for word all the time. I like to imagine I have approximate knowledge of many things.
To make you feel better, you are correct. If you ever forget, look at the processor statement define:

#define WM_CUSTOM 10001 

Here you are defining that WM_CUSTOM means 10001 all throughout your code. There is no declaration here because it isn't a variable where as

int x;

is declared but not defined. WR417H is correct in his assumption. Now defined and initialized are the same thing though.
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