
Pages: 12
Hello everyone :) I'm slowly learning C++ but I was wondering something, you see, I watch 10 video tutorials in one day, then practice them 5 times, distract myself, then do it three more times, and it works for that day, but the next day, I have a really hard time remembering the basic stuff.

So I was wondering if someone here could like, give me a sort of homework. I tell you the topics I've been learning, and you think of a program I have to make that uses all those.

I really hope someone will help me here.

Did you seriously try that hard? I applaud your effort.

Here is a suggestion(s):
Hang-man game:
requires knowledge of
-file reading
-functions & procedures
-and all basic control constructs(loops and if's)

Tic Tac Toe, 2 players:
-all basic constructs
-arrays recommended

don't worry if your not completely familiar with the requirements. You can look them up as you go along.

Please take a look at this website http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=16
I've only watched the first 10 videos, so I was hoping for something that used those.
Okay, first thing, don't take everything those videos say as 100% fact. There is no proof of Bucky's abilities, education, or anything. It also shows he may not be on that site in any official capacity as it shows his email being a yahoo email. Generally, I am weary about videos that claim to teach anything because half the time you can't see what they are typing or they don't explain it enough to be of any help. I would recommend reading the tutorials on this site and go from there. Also do what blueberry said, make simple text games and build up from there.

Of course, I'm reading The C++ Programming Language Special Edition and kind of given up on tutorials due to the things they sometimes miss or drop out. That isn't a reflection of this sites tutorials though as they have gone over them with a fine tooth comb to make sure they are accurate and up to date.
Last edited on by closed account z6A9GNh0
There's tutorials on this website?!??! :o are they organized or is everything all scrambled?
Well every person learns different so you will have to look at them and see for yourself:

Screed I recommend picking up a textbook to supplement your studies - when you practice with real world problems the solutions will stick(and the general ideas behind them).
I have no text book, and no money to buy one with.
and as for the tutorial on the website, by looking i realized i have it on my ipod!
> I have no text book, and no money to buy one with.

There are a few free C++ books available online. For instance:

Start with Bruce Eckel's book, perhaps.

You could have a look at these too:

the book thing confuses me :/ after downloading all i get is a couple zip files with a bunch of folders, but no book.
We had a thread an article full of beginners exercises here, if you'd like to try them:

Good luck if you do!

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Another thing, is Code::Blocks a good compiler? Or is there a better one?
Code::Blocks isn't a compiler. It's an IDE. You can use any of a number of compilers with it.
O.K. But it isn't just some crap thing is it?
Nope, it's a pretty good IDE. A lot of people around these parts seem to like it.

There's no definite answer one which IDE or compiler is best. Different people like different things. Give Code::Blocks a try. If you don't like it, try and switch to Visual Studio or something.

You could also go the command line route, which many people on here prefer, and ditch the IDE all together.

All personal preference.
Whats the "command line route"?
It involves writing the code in a (usually) simple text editor, and then calling the compiler and linker yourself at the command line. It starts very simple (typing in g++ helloWorld.cpp) and goes from there.

Might look like this:


or perhaps this:


Doing it this way makes you feel like this:


or perhaps this:



Doing it yourself, manually, at the command line, will give you an understanding of what's actually going on that I often find lacking in alleged professionals who have been coding for years. Anyone who ever tries to fix an "undefined reference error" by changing their code has never used the command line :p
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Ha! You make me want to try the command line thing, how do I use it?
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

I'd like to offer my 2 cents of advice on this.
Purely regarding learning anything, it's not a great idea to flood your brain with information.

The way your brain works (simply put) is that it will store information short term, then, depending on how often that information is repeated or used, it will be more and more "engrained" into long term memory.

Knowing this, it's best to learn one step at a time and regularly revising things. For instance, if you learn something new, don't just practice that, practice it in a way that you will need prior knowledge too.

Also, for any learning and general health, sleep is important (no matter what people say), so staying up until 3 AM watching tutorials isn't the best idea either.

Anyway, that's just some stuff I picked up over the years that I thought might help you.

All the best,
Pages: 12