Requesting Help parsing strings

Hello And thank you for taking the time to read my post.

I need to parse a string using default c++. I am running Debian Linux and using g++ to compile.

The string I need to parse will look something like the following.

10 PRINT "Test Line"

I need to get the number to the left isolated and turned into a integer.
I need to get the PRINT by in self in a string and I need to
get the string in the quotes by itself.

I have been programming in c++ for a while now however have not worked much with strings or be it string manipulation. If you would be so kind to take you're time to answer please keep the following in mind.

Please do not recommend librarys not found in default C/
Please do not give spam responses that will be of no value to anyone
an example would be a 1 or 2 line response giving nothing but discreditadation.

Again thank you for you're time and good day.
Thank you sir Pardon my ignorance.
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