I stuck at this basic question?

* File: Anonymous.cpp
* ------------------
* This program doesn't do anything useful and exists only to test
* your understanding of method calls and parameter passing.
#include <iostream> //Line 1
using namespce std; //Line 2

void phantom(int); //Line 3
int ghost(int,int&); //Line 4
int main() //Line 5
{ //Line 6
phantom(13); //Line 7
return 0; //Line 8
} //Line 9
void phantom(int z) { //Line 10
int y = 0; //Line 11
for (int i = 1; i < z; i *= 2) //Line 12
y = ghost(y, z); //Line 13
return; //Line 14
} //Line 15
int ghost(int x, int& y) { //Line 16
x = 10 * x + y; //Line 17
cout << "ghost: x = " << x << ", y = " <<y << endl; //Line 18
return x; //Line 19
} //Line 20

Consider the above section of code, identify item (a) through (d).

(a) Function prototype and function definitions.

(b) Function call statements, formal parameters, and actual parameters.

(c) Value parameters and reference parameters.

(d) Local and global variables.
(a) -> prototype is line 3 and 4
definition is at line 10 and line 16

(d) -> there are no global variable .
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