Calculating challenge for large numbers

Hi folks. I have problem with multiplication and division when it comes to arbitrary large numbers.

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12345* 56565656565656 =

I can see where that may take a moment.

If it is working for the smaller values, e.g. 123 * 321 then the assumption that the math is correct - is likely.

Therefore I would "assume" that, with the larger values that you may have set your parameters too small;
storing the result set in an array [1000]
rather than 700,000,000,000,000,000 - (about).

Having said that, I'll say that debugging this code is difficult without the code to debug,
but I'll be happy to take a look at it if you want a second pair of i's .

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closed account (D80DSL3A)

12345* 56565656565656 =

I can see where that may take a moment.

If it is working for the smaller values, e.g. 123 * 321 then the assumption that the math is correct - is likely.

Therefore I would "assume" that, with the larger values that you may have set your parameters too small;
storing the result set in an array [1000]
rather than 700,000,000,000,000,000 - (about).

Having said that, I'll say that debugging this code is difficult without the code to debug,
but I'll be happy to take a look at it if you want a second pair of i's .

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