Having Issues with program need assistance

Problem: Quest 3 continually repeats

#include <fstream>

int main()
int Quest, race, ritem, mitem, sitem, aitem, health;
string answer, name;
double playthrough = 0, character;

cout << "Welcome to Our RPG SCIFI game Here you will enter your character name\n";
cout << "Please enter your Characters name\n";
cin >> name;

if(playthrough == 0)
// toonName(name);
character = race1();

Quest = 1;
if(Quest == 1)

if(Quest == 2)
Quest2(race, name, health, ritem);
if(Quest == 3)
if(Quest == 4)

if(Quest == 5)
return 0;

double Quest3(string name)
unsigned x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
int choice, easywayOut = 0, terminated = 0, checkpointHP, HP, simpleQ, HitPoints;
char Again = 'Y', fruit;
char riddle = 'a';
string FRiddle;

HP = HitPoints;
checkpointHP += HP;

while (Again == 'y' || Again == 'Y')
HP = checkpointHP;
cout << name << " is traveling to Angel's homeland to obtain the Lexicon.\n"
<< "You come accross a river and you have two options.\n"
<< "1. Risk swimming accross the river.\n"
<< "2. Walk a mile to the next bridge and safely cross the river.\n(You can only take the easy way out once.)\n"
<< "To choose enter 1 or 2\n\n";
cin >> choice;
system ("cls");
// **********************************************
if (choice == 1)
system ("cls");
x = 1 + rand() % 2;
cout << "You chose to risk swimming accross the river.\n";
if (x == 1)
system ("cls");
cout << "You got accross the river without getting hurt.\n";
if (x == 2)
system ("cls");
z = 1 + rand() % 50;
cout << "The current was too strong and took you downstream. You hit many rocks while being pushed downstream and took " << z << " damage.\n";
HP -= z;
if (choice == 2)
system ("cls");
cout << "You chose the safest route possible and got accross the river without being hurt.\n"
<< "You can no longer choose the safe route";
easywayOut = 1;
if (HP <=0)
system ("cls");
cout << "You took too much damage and died.\n"
<< "Respawn at beggining? (Y/N)\n";
cin >> Again;
// **********************************************
x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; // Reset random gen variables.
// **********************************************
if (HP > 0) // Make sure player isn't dead.
system ("cls");
cout << "You come accross some fruit that can possibly restores some of your health.\n"
<< "There is a 50/50 chance that it is bad for you.\n"
<< "Will you chance it and eat it? (Y/N)\n";
cin >> fruit;

if (fruit == 'Y' || fruit == 'y')
x = 1 + rand() % 2;
if (x == 1)
system ("cls");
cout << "The fruit was good and restored 25 HP.\n";
if (x == 2)
system ("cls");
cout << "The fruit was bad and you lost 25 HP.\n";
HP -= 25;
if (fruit == 'Y' || fruit == 'y' && HP <= 0)
system ("cls");
cout << "The fruit killed you.\n"
<< "Respawn at beggining? (Y/N)\n";
cin >> Again;
if (fruit == 'N' || fruit == 'n')
system ("cls");
cout << "Hmmm...Not much of a risk taker are you?\n";
cout << "What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?\n";
getline(cin, FRiddle);
if (FRiddle != "river" && FRiddle != "River" && FRiddle != "a river" && FRiddle != "A river")
cout << "Hmm...Not all that smart either?\n"
<< "What's 2 + 2?";
cin >> simpleQ;
if (simpleQ == 4)
cout << "Good job....\n\n";
cout << "Terrible, just terrible.\n\n";
// **********************************************
x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; // Reset random gen variables.
// **********************************************
if (HP > 0)
int count = 1;
while (riddle != 'e' || riddle != 'E' && count <=3)
system ("cls");
cout << "You come accross a bridge and can see Angel's homeland. You start to cross the \nbridge when a troll pops out and starts trolling you\n"
<< "You have to answer his riddle to pass the bridge and get to Angel's homeland.\n"
<< "\n\n"
<< "I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?\n";
if (count == 2)
cout << "HINT: It is commonly used in words\n";
if (count == 3)
cout << "HINT: It is part of the alphabet.\n";
cin >> riddle;
// Answer is the letter E.
if (count == 3)
system ("cls");
cout << "You did not answer the riddle correctly and the troll killed you.\n"
<< "Respawn at beggining? (Y/N)\n";
cin >> Again;
HP = 0;
// **********************************************
if (riddle == 'e' || riddle == 'E' )
system ("cls");
cout << "You answered the riddle correctly.\n";
cout << "You got to Angel's homeland alive and obtained the Lexicon.\n";
return 0;r

a ton more to the code program is 2000 lines of code just this particular quest im having a major issue with for some reason no matter what try quest 3 just reverts back to the beginning of it as soon as you enter E or e for the riddle as well as when i try to implement a way to cin >> name to pass through each function in the main it will not even register that im trying to do that just skips over the cin
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