Program too big to fit in memory

Hi, I just made the most stupid program that converts a string from lower case to upper case.
using namespace std;

int main(){
	string texto;
	cout << "Este programa realiza el siguiente trabajo:" << endl;
	cout << "texto -----> TEXTO" << endl << endl;
	cout << "Introduzca su texto: ";
	getline(cin, texto);
	for (int i = 0; i < texto.size(); i++){
		if (texto[i] <= 'z' && texto [i] >= 'a'){
			texto[i] -= (int('a') - int ('A'));
	cout << texto << endl;

It runs perfectly when I build & run from Code::Blocks, but I was trying to use directly Windows Notepad and compile from cmd:

C:\Users\Marcos\Desktop> cpp -o mayusculas mayusculas.cpp

C:\Users\Marcos\Desktop> mayusculas
Program too big to fit in memory

It´s obviously not a "big program", so what do you think I may have done wrong? I remember doing this in the past, following some video tutorial, and I remember it worked for me.. I just don´t know what could I be doing differently...
> cpp -o mayusculas mayusculas.cpp

In the GNU toolchain, cpp is the The C Preprocessor. g++ is the C++ compiler driver.

> g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -o mayusculas mayusculas.cpp && mayusculas
Gracias Jorge!
En realidad lo logré con > c++ -o mayusculas mayusculas.cpp

me tira el error "warning: no new line at the end of file" o algo así. ¿Sabés qué diferencia hay entre compilar con c++ y con g++?

> me tira el error "warning: no new line at the end of file" o algo así.

It is good practice to end a text file with a new-line character. As far as c++ is concerned, you can safely ignore this noisy g++ warning.

A source file that is not empty and that does not end in a new-line character, or ... <elided> ..., shall be processed as if an additional new-line character were appended to the file - IS

> ¿Sabés qué diferencia hay entre compilar con c++ y con g++?

c++ or CC is usually a link to the default C++ compiler on the system - what it means would therefore depend on the system.

Linux - c++ => g++

FreeBSD-current- c++ => clang++

g++ is the driver for GCC used to compile C++ programs; links libstdc++ by default.
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Thank you!!!

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