Ultra quick please.

Going to buy a laptop basically for programming and entertainment.

The one that I have shortlisted has impressive features. the only point of concern is that it has DOS instead of windows.
Is DOS of any use throught Computer Engineering. Should I go for Windows Only.
Will having two OS be a burden and slow my laptop down. Please its urgent.
Is this a very old second-hand machine? I wouldn't expect DOS to be installed on a new laptop.

The important specs are size of hard drive, and how much RAM. The type and speed of the processor is also important.

If it's a reasonable machine you could install Linux rather than DOS. Or set the machine to boot into either. That won't slow down the machine, the non-active OS simply takes some space on the hard drive.
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http://www.flipkart.com/asus-k53sv-sx521d-core-i7-8-gb-750-free-dos/p/itmd3785nc4gmvbp this is the machine.
I dont think its too old.
I am buying a brand new one.
Ok I get the picture now. The machine is fine.

It looks like basically the DOS is there simply so the machine will do something. It isn't particularly useful nowadays.

I guess most users will install a better OS afterwards. If you do install Windows, you won't need the DOS any longer.
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Ok. Thanks.
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