Function to delete an element from an array

I'm having trouble deleting strings from an array. The array's max size is 32. Here's my code right now:

void remove_restaurant(string restaurant[], string remove, int current_number) //Not quite right
bool found = false;
int max = 32;

for (int pos=0; pos<current_number; pos++)
if (remove == restaurant[pos])
found = true;
for (int j=pos+1; j<current_number; j++)
restaurant[pos] = restaurant[pos+1];


cout <<endl<< remove << " was removed."<<endl;

if (!found)
cout << remove<<" was not on the list."<<endl;


Right now the array size doesn't decrease and I really don't know why. Also, I can't figure out how to deal with multi-word strings. Any ideas at all would be very much appreciated!
The array size can't decrease.

As for multi-word strings, use std::getline(std::cin, MyMultiWordString)
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In cout <<endl<< remove << " was removed."<<endl; you need to remove the first endl. You can remove the string but like L B said, you can't decrease the size of an array. Once it is allocated, thats the size. If you use a vector, you can increase and decrease the size of that.
Thank you. I don't really mean "decrease the size of the array" but I do mean update the number of elements stored in the array.
Pass current_number by reference.

void remove_restaurant(string restaurant[], string remove, int &current_number)
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