Need a good c++ programmer

Hello, I first got started on c++ when my 7th grade Language Arts teacher started a 9 week project in which we could do anything we want. I chose programming. This week, we have to interview an expert. It's due tomorrow (I forgot until now). It's just 10- 15 short questions. If you would like to apply, let me know (but I can't due it before 7:00 est because I have a cello lesson soon). Let me know!
closed account (3CXz8vqX)
Try the lounge . You posted this in the beginners section...not the wisest of choices.

That said if you want to post the questions I'm sure we'd be happy to help in any way we can.
yeah I'll repost this in the lounge... I was thinking that it might have not been the best idea to post it here
yeah... won't let me repost this... also, I forgot to mention something, we need to do it on Google talk (don't ask) contact me on Google talk at
Thank you!
nvm problem solved!
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