What command do I use for the SetId member

So here is my assignment:

1. Declare a class named Student that contains
a. Three private data members:
char firstName[20];
char lastName[20];
int id;
b. Three public member functions:
• SetName function that takes two (char*) parameters and returns nothing.
• SetId function that takes one (int) parameter and returns nothing.
• Display function that takes nothing and returns nothing.

2. Implement the SetName, SetId, and Display member functions declared below:
• SetName function that takes two (char*) parameters and copies them to the firstName and lastName private data members (use strcpy).
SetId function that takes one (int) parameter and assigns it to the id private data member.
• Display function that takes no parameter and prints the firstName, lastName and id of a Student object.

3. Based on the class that you have written in the previous questions, write a main() function that creates a Student object and prints out the following:
Student Name: John Smith
Id: 150306

4. Add to the Student class a default constructor and a destructor. The default constructor should set the name "John Doe" and 0 for the Id. Create a default student object in your main function and print it out with the Display function:
Student Name: John Doe
Id: 0

5. Add a constructor to the Student class that takes three parameters (char*, char*, int) and initializes the firstName, lastName, and id data members. Create a student object in your main function using this constructor with the name "Sally Jones" and with an Id of 12345. Print out the information with the Display function:
Student Name: Sally Jones
Id: 12345

I'm pretty sure I have the whole thing finished, the only problem is I don't know what command to use in the SetId member of the student class. The above underlined and bolded step is the one I got stuck on and skipped. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

class Student
char firstName[20];
char lastName[20];
int id;
Student(char *f, char *l, int);
void SetName(char *f, char *l);
void SetId(int);
void Display();


Student::Student() //default Constuctor function
strcpy(firstName, "John");
strcpy(lastName, "Doe");
id = 0;

Student::Student(char *f, char*l, int) //Parameterized constructor function
strcpy(firstName, "Sally");
strcpy(lastName, "Jones");
id = 12345;

Student::~Student() {} //Destructor

void Student::SetName(char *f, char *l)
strcpy(firstName, f);
strcpy(lastName, l);

void Student::SetId(int)
// Dont know what to put here.

void Student::Display(void)
cout << "Student name: " << firstName << " " << lastName << endl;
cout << "Id: " << id <<endl << endl;

int main()
Student defaultStudent, studentOne, studentTwo("Sally", "Jones", 12345), studentThree; //Declare Objects

defaultStudent.Display(); //Constuctor test
studentOne.SetName("John", "Smith");


The output I get is correct, minus the Id for John Smith:

Student name: John Doe
Id: 0

Student name: John Smith
Id: 0

Student name: Sally Jones
Id: 12345

Thanks for all the help!

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