Arrays and Files

Hi I'm a beginner to c++ and I was assigned a project to declare an array of structs but the information is contained in a text file and I have to prompt the user for the file name and it takes that info and inputs it into an array in the output. The file contains a state, bird species, and the count of each different species. We also must use atleast 4 functions. This is what I have so far but the program doesnt seem to be working. Any advice?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct birdSpecies
int count;
string state,species;

void printOne ( birdSpecies one);
void printList(const birdSpecies list[], int listSize) ;
void getData(ifstream& inFile, birdSpecies list[], int& listSize);

int main ()

const int BIRD_SPECIES = 50;

birdSpecies list [BIRD_SPECIES] ;

string filename;
int number;
ifstream dataFile;"one.txt");

cout << "Enter Text File" <<endl;
cin >> filename;

if ( !dataFile)
cout << "invalid file name \n";

return 1;

getData (dataFile, list, number);

cout << "Birds: " << endl;
printList( list, number) ;


void printOne ( birdSpecies one)
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision (10);
cout << "Species " << one.species ;


void printList(const birdSpecies list[], int listSize)
int looper ;

for ( looper = 0; looper < listSize ; looper++)
printOne ( list [looper] );
cout << endl ;

void getData(ifstream& inFile, birdSpecies list[], int& listSize)
birdSpecies item ;
listSize = 0;

inFile >> item.species >> item.count;

while (inFile )
list [listSize ] = item ;

inFile >> item.species >> item.count;
inFile.close () ;

I suggest you work with author of this post as you have the same problems:
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