'stew' is not a member of 'std'

I'm writing a code and I want to print out just 100 characters (and not more) and I wanted to use "std :: stew (100)" as in here : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iomanip/setfill/

But codeblocks 12.11 errors : stew is not a member of std ;
And when I removed std , this error appeared :
stew was not declared in this scope.

Thank you in advanced.

(CodeBlocks 12.11)

AND I have a question about using this forum :
WHen I ask a question and somebody answers and I get happy, I want to appreciate and then mark the topic as solved.
But I don't want my appreciates be considered as spam, so I do nothing but thanking in advanced. BUT this one I think is considered as kinda rudeness!!
What should IO exactly do?
Thank you in advanced!!!
> I wanted to use std::stew(100)

You meant std::setw(100), didn't you?

> What should I exactly do?

If the question has been adequately answered, just mark it as solved.
Nothing else is really necessary.
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closed account (3qX21hU5)
But I don't want my appreciates be considered as spam, so I do nothing but thanking in advanced. BUT this one I think is considered as kinda rudeness!!
What should IO exactly do?
Thank you in advanced!!!

You can post followups with how you came about your solution, and any thank you's that you want to give if you want. It is not against the forum rules or looked down upon or anything. Though I would advise not to post any of your final code after you finished a question because that would just encourage people to copy and paste and not learn for themselves.
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