Beginners - February 2013 (Page 7)

Reverse Of A Number.
write a program which accepts a number and displays the reverse of the number. ex. input: 789 output: 987
[5 replies] Last: string num; cout << "Enter num"; getline(cin, num); for (string::r... (by rcast)
by s1l3nt
Conditional Operators
I have read several articles and visited several websites trying to grasp the concept of the conditional operator but I cant seem to grasp it, can someone expla...
[6 replies] Last: Yes. I've never actually used this until I read your post! aha. I jus... (by Lynx876)
Program crashing even in Debug
I thought I had it, but it keeps crashing, even in debug, so I can't figure out whats wrong. Please help. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include ...
[4 replies] Last: Yup, that was it. Der on my part. I'll make sure to delete my makings ... (by monkeybutt)
by klost
Book for a begginer
I can find in my country the C++ Primer Plus 6th Edition, but I read several complains to the 5th Edition, what about the 6th one? My other option would be the ...
[no replies]
by Sumeth
Help needed with allegro installation.
Hello everyone, I have been trying to get allegro 5 installed with codeblocks. I have gotten to the point where when im typing code and wanting to reference t...
[no replies]
Implementing all member functions of a class
Was wondering if someone would be able to assist me with this c++ homework assignment I am having an issue with? Thanks in advance to anyone who is able to assi...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a bunch Framework. //The following program will, with user i... (by bigyankeefan)
For loop * checkerboard
I have to make a program for my class that needs me to use 3 cout statements that are "*" ," ", and endl. I need to make it an 8 by 8 checkerboard of *s and it ...
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { const size_t N = 8; const char c1... (by vlad from moscow)
by ko2
sscanf error
error C2664: sscanf Hellow. I have a problem. When I compiled there writing error C2664: sscanf ... Type Float. I am plug in include stdio.h
[1 reply] : http://www.cp... (by ne555)
HW I dont understand what im doing wrong
Problem: The queen on the ACSL chess board is the most versatile piece. It can move at most N cells (where N is determined at the start of each game) in the fol...
[2 replies] Last: okay sorry for the late reply but i got some helped and got here: #in... (by eman2013)
Reading in a file and sorting alphabetically. need Help please!
So the assignment is to read in a file of names then sort it alphabetically. This is the code I have so far but it wont work. Can someone help me? #include <...
[6 replies] Last: ahh I see! I've always used file.good(). Guess it's time to move on, a... (by Lynx876)
How can I make a calculation using strings?
I'm having trouble using strings to display the result, it says: no match for operator - in arg1 - arg2. Anyone has a clue? (I can't use doubles or integers ...
[10 replies] Last: It's fine - I think it was better to link to the FAQ. The OPer can alw... (by LB)
Question About Strings
I need to create a program that takes a users info for a check and displays it in a check form. Heres an example: date: 2/23/2010 name: William Schmidt amount,...
[11 replies] Last: It clears the input buffer, i.e. std::cin. Which is removing the '\n' ... (by Lynx876)
by Dizzy
Need help with the instructions of creating this program.
I am new to programming in general. This Lab was assigned and I'm not sure where to start... (want do i need to do? please do not give code) Assume the follow...
[3 replies] Last: Looks like you still haven't grasped the what the assignment is about.... (by cire)
Express number to dollars and cents
Hi there :), I have a problem with one excercise and I just can't figure it out. I hope someone can help me with this exercise: Create a program that amount of...
[3 replies] Last: you're welcome! (by abhishekm71)
create an array of character sets
I am a beginner. I want to create a vector of character sets which i want to address each element directly. I can define char kegel ="02a"; but I would like to ...
[2 replies] Last: many thanks for the hint. my problem is solved. best regards hans (by hans wehnert)
by znerte
Help..Occurences and Sort.Dynamic array
I have this hw that ask for a program that will ask the user to input integers and sort them in ascending order and write the occurrences for each. This is wh...
[2 replies] Last: After the array has been sorted, it's a relatively simple matter to lo... (by Chervil)
Reading rgb data in picture file
Hi, I need r,g,b data in a matrix format for each of the pixels in a picture file such as bmp, jpeg, tiff etc. How can I get that? I am actually a Fortr...
[11 replies] Last: Guys, Looks like this was an exercise in futility. Nobody actually h... (by rajivtiwary)
Returning array character to find game winner
I know that the function BOOL WIN returns a value, that being player in order to determine who has won the game. When I compile and run the program, it outputs...
[5 replies] Last: Your win function looks correct (except for the cout statements). Ma... (by AbstractionAnon)
absolute beginner query - check code
going through a tutorial and it says to try writing code for: (c) a program which reads in two integers on one line and displays them in reverse order. If th...
[3 replies] Last: Single quotes are used for single characters, e.g.: cout << 'a' << '... (by Catfish3)
Using Irrlicht.
Hi there everyone. I am new to programming in C++ but I want to create an FPS game using the Irrlicht game engine. I use Windows XP and have Irrlicht 1.8 and ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you coder777. I'll find out how to rectify this before asking f... (by theoutpost)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 56789... 67
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