Beginners - June 2012 (Page 50)

Array and Structure
Anyone can help me how to use array and structure. I would like to write 1 code open data file and read, then store them into array. (in data file will have str...
[1 reply] : Hi there, I'm not very experienced with this myself, but if you post ... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Another Problem
Do we HAVE to include the quotation marks ("") when we are comparing string literals or setting it while declaring a variable? Example, I have a variable named ...
[1 reply] : Hi there, You're confusing the variable identifier (its name) with it... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Millions of Pesky Little Problems
As said in the title above ^^ I have got loads of problems I cant figure out or solve. Okay, problem one. I have got no idea how you are supposed to use the ...
[1 reply] : PS Sorry for the essay-long need-help document Me too. Your style is... (by Catfish2)
multithread in C: changing values
Greetings! I am now studying multithread programming and wrote a sample code. However, it does not do the correct thing: #include <stdio.h> #include <st...
[1 reply] : Never mind. This thread solves my question. (by AoZplusplus)
When this key is pressed, do this...
so i'm starting on a project and i'm displaying some text, and when you press the enter key it moves on to the next set of text. but i can't figure out how to g...
[1 reply] : Not... (by AoZplusplus)
by anust
Array as loop index
I want to know if its possible to make array as loop index. I have arbitrary number of summations and my sum is a function of various loop indices. I have done ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your reply Since I have never used c++, it'll take me somet... (by anust)
I need help figuring out these errors
Ok I started writing this program for a school project in Eclipse in windows and now shifting to vim in UNIX and I am getting a bunch of errors. I am currently ...
[1 reply] : If we look at the first error reported: ClosedHash.h:20: error: HT h... (by cire)
compiling and running code in terminal
Hey everyone! I was hoping to get some tips on compiling c++ using the terminal. I have the following files: main.cpp abs.cpp calcDofs.cpp dbcs.cpp del...
[3 replies] Last: Oh! I figured it out! One of my files had <global.h> instead of "globa... (by FzzPoofy)
makefile working correctly?
I am in need of help to see that my makefile is working correctly. I am writing a program in UNIX and using my schools server to compile and run the C++ code. ...
[3 replies] Last: Did that tweaking of the makefile fix the problem you were having? If... (by SexyBachelor)
OOP help
Hello, I made this program simply for practice using classes. main.cpp /*this program: -finds the distance between 2 points */ #include <iost...
[5 replies] Last: Something like this? Example: main.cpp #include "example.h" int m... (by Lowest0ne)
by sakilo
small dereferencing problem
Hello everyone, my first question is that in the code that follows, I think I understand why &a and &b have the output, but I have no idea how b, a and a++ all ...
[2 replies] Last: ahhhh makes sense thank you very much =D (by sakilo)
by ady57
write a program in c++ that allows users to enter 10 names of students and 5 units with their marks, it should also calculate the average and total of the marks...
[4 replies] Last: #include <cstddef> #include <iostream> #include <limits> #include <l... (by Catfish2)
Creating objects in a loop?
So, is this even possible? I sure can't think of a way that it would work. Basically, I'm creating a 2D tower defense game, and at the beginning of each wave, I...
[7 replies] Last: you probably made the same error like Moschops code, someNewEnemyObje... (by Athar)
calling arguments
int main() { float hours, rate, wage; void Earnings(float h, float r); cout << "Enter the total Weekly hours: "; cin >> hours; cout << "Enter ...
[1 reply] : when this code defines a function called void Earnings No, the fun... (by Athar)
by skarla
tic tac toe. (1,2)
I CREATED this tic tac toe #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; char square ={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','\0'}; ...
[22 replies] Last: thank you for your good words about my program. i am begginer yet,so i... (by skarla)
im a beginner and i need help in game hacking (1,2)
im a beginner hacker, i don't realy care about hacking in to the goverment or other computers or even passwords. i just wanna know how to hack basicly any game....
[28 replies] Last: @CodeMonkey The OP is from California(if we are to trust the informat... (by georgewashere)
Memory allocation confusion in Link List
Consider a very simple Link list prog: What my confusion in below prog is while using malloc to allocate memory if we give malloc(sizeof(struct node)), then ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks cire, yaa I know that it should not work....but why I am saying... (by access2ajay)
gcc updating libraries
So I'm kinda new to programming. I haven't installed a lot of libraries yet. I built TBB yesterday, and currently it is in /opt/tbb. There didn't appear to be ...
[1 reply] : Not entirely sure about this - but if the library files have .h and .c... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
by gali01
Need Help with compiling errors
#include <stdafx.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> #include <GL/glut.h> using namespace std; int a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0,e=0,f=0,g...
[1 reply] : c-; What is this meant to do? It's wrong. Is it meant to be c--; ? ... (by Moschops)
by Rii
C++/CLI strings
Hello there, I've been wondering if something like typedef String^ string were possible. I've tried it, but it didn't work. Currently trying to put my current...
[6 replies] Last: @coder777: thank you! that discussion was very informative! I'll be mo... (by Rii)
June 2012 Pages: 1... 48495051
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