Beginners - May 2013 (Page 61)

Program won't compile with structures
My program wont compile and its giving me a lot weird errors. The program is supposed to take occupations and salaries from an input file and sort them. then it...
[3 replies] Last: The lines in your posted code don't seem to match those in the compile... (by TheIdeasMan)
Utter Newbie Needs Help =)
Hello everyone! I'm totally new to C++, my only experience with programming being 13 years ago in highschool when I wrote some Pascal and QBasic stuff. I...
[12 replies] Last: I meant the number for the insult I know what switches are and whoops ... (by giblit)
String subscript out of range?
Hello, I am a beginner at C++ and I decided to make a translator-type of program that basically takes any message in english and outputs that phrase in binary. ...
[1 reply] : // you can access the individual characters of a string using string_... (by Chervil)
Declaring and Implementing
Declare and Implement a Default Constructor for class Date Declare and Implement a Copy Constructor for class Date Declare and Implement an overloaded equalit...
[3 replies] Last: Was there a question there somewhere? Please be specific about what yo... (by Daleth)
by lmsmi1
Best form for object data?
I have some OBJ files to import into my freeGLUT program. The game is like minecraft, so simple pixelated-like textures are a must. I'm trying to get as close t...
[no replies]
by giblit
Problem with changing character via multiplying
Why is it that everything works with characters except multiplication (well multiplication works if you divide first...but that's not what I want) here is the ...
[3 replies] Last: I guess I can try and make an object that will contain all of the unic... (by giblit)
Cout Bus Error
I do not contain my entire code, because of privacy reasons and personal requests. Problem on "cout << "unsignedssd intsdsd: << endl;" Bus Error. I changed rand...
[no replies]
by stdeez
LinkedList/operator overload problem?
operator overload function (written for class point2d) const point2d& point2d::operator =(const point2d& p2){ if (this != &p2) { ...
[no replies]
Did I do this correctly?
Modify the following code to: Declare class A to be a friend of class B. Declare function double compute(A& data) to be a friend of class A. class A {...
[2 replies] Last: friend double compute (A& data) so this is the correct format? for ... (by njabbour)
Output of Code
Does anyone know what the output of this code is? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Cat { public: virtual void speak() { cout << "m...
[8 replies] Last: Modify the following code to: Declare class A to be a friend of class... (by njabbour)
Passing Values
Hi, does anyone know how i can pass the values that have been entered in the the arrayEntry() function back to main? thanks, royal1664 #include <i...
[1 reply] : Never mind, just worked it out lol it's return nArray ; cheers!... (by royal1664)
by paxap
C++ for loop help
I'm trying to get a for loop that prompts for grades 1-5, but for some reason it starts at grade #6 and I can't for the life of me figure out why. for(c...
[7 replies] Last: My mistake. Updated. Thanks for correcting me! (by closed account DEUX92yv)
need explanation
Can someone explain why the two functions act differently? From my point of view they are the same but give different outputs. Thanks #include <iostrea...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry about that :) (by Bourgond Aries)
Help with strings and functions
I need help using a function to determine the first and last names shown in alphabetical order so far this is all I got. #include <iostream> #include <stri...
[1 reply] : You should try the "sort" function declared in the algorithm header. D... (by Bourgond Aries)
Help with functions
this is a code to see if the number entered is an armstrong or not for example 371 is armstrong because 3^3+7^3+1^3=371 (the cubic summation==the number) m...
[2 replies] Last: thankss man.. !!! (by elmoro15)
pointer and Class help
These are the class specifications Class Name: IntVector Public Attributes: NONE Private Attributes: Pointer to the storage ...
[2 replies] Last: Probably seems neat because the class definition might have been provi... (by Daleth)
Need Help
Hey I'm just starting to understand C++. I'm doing a problem for my class and I can't finish the problem I'm drawing a complete blank. It's probably something v...
[2 replies] Last: It worked!! :D Thanks so much. I knew it was a easy problem lol xD (by gamestoper15)
Writing a Three Function Program with String Array -- Crashing
This is my third attempt rewriting it in hoping to avoid whatever's making the code crash. My book doesn't have any similar problems to base this off of, but I'...
[7 replies] Last: I have no idea why I changed that... how weird/silly of me. Thank you ... (by macsheeh)
Input and Output file
Please help me.. My professor doesn't let me declare row, col and total_number_per_line as a constant. I spent almost 4 hours to figure out how to do it but i ...
[5 replies] Last: You either supply the value by assignment, as you currently are, witho... (by jlb)
by gladi
passing an array to the func.
Hi guys, I have probelm for passing the two arrays which Questions & answers to FindFriend() function. I cannot pass it throw line 49. Can you please help ou...
[1 reply] : This is the error pop up Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external ... (by gladi)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 5960616263... 66
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