Overloading operators

Overload the extraction and insertion operators. Do not use a constructor to set field values.

class JobBid
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &, )

private :
string bid_num;

public :

ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, )
out <<

The code is incomplete. I'm stucked :(
First of all you should correctly define the class that it would be at least compiled.
The question goes like this :

Write code JobBid.cpp with class definition for the class JobBid. The class should have :

1. Data fields associated with the bid number and quoted price.
2. Overload the extraction and insertion operators. Do not use a constructor to set field values.
3. Define an overloaded operator<() function used to compare JobBid objects. One JobBid is considered lower than another if the quoted price is lower.

Write a main() function that declares an array of four JobBid objects, then finds and displays the lowest JobBid.

Hopefully someone could actually code this. Thanks.
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