need help

anybody has any idea for code c++ to do this
Attendance Page
o Teacher can:
o Take the attendance of the class.
o Edit it on any time.
o Ask to view the attendance at specific date and edit it.
Please note, that it is not a homework site. We won't do your homework for you. However we are always willing to help solve problems you encountered, correct mistakes you made in your code and answer your questions.

We didn't see your attemts to solve this youself and so we cannot correct mistakes you didn't made and answer questions you didn't ask. To get help you should do something yourself and get real problems with something. If your problem is "I don't understand a thing", then you should go back to basics and study again. As it is impossible to find deriviative of function without knowledge in ariphmetics, you cannot do more complex tasks in programming without clear understanding of basics
i know this is not a homework site this is a part of a big code i was able to do the big on but at this part my brain stopped i don't know what to do i need help with an idea :) thanks alot
System functions for students:
• Know weekly schedule.
• Know daily classes.
• Deliver assignments to specific teachers.
• Post questions and reply on it.
System Functions for teachers:
• Post assignments for their classes.
• Take attendance for their classes and save it by date.
• Check assignments delivered by students in their class and subjects.
• Be notified when logged in if students delivered assignment.
Sample Input
 Login page
User name: Student1
Password: ******

 Then the homepage will appear
o With these three choices
o [Schedule - Question Zone - Assignments]
o And notifications if there are any new assignments

 Schedule Page
o Weekly Schedule: A schedule like FCIS schedule will appear.
o Daily Schedule: A schedule for the current day only will appear. Ask the user if he/she want to know the daily schedule for another day. Note: the user can go to the home page at any time.

 Question Zone Page
You will output all questions asked by the students and he/she can post new question and reply on specific question. And sure you have to save these data in a file so that other students can see it when they login.

 Assignment Page
o Students can:
o See all the assignments
o Check whether he/she delivered it or not.
o Choose specific assignment and
o Deliver it by saving the path of the file.

 Home page
With these four choices [Schedule -Assignments-Attendance] And notifications if there are any new delivered assignments.

 Schedule Page
o Weekly Schedule : A schedule like FCIS schedule will appear for this teacher only.
o Daily Schedule: A schedule for the current day only will appear. Ask the user if he/she want to know daily schedule for another day. (For this teacher only)

 Assignment Page
o Teacher can:
o See all the assignments.
o Choose a specific assignment.
o See students who delivered this assignment.
o Rate each student’s assignment.

 Attendance Page
o Teacher can:
o Take the attendance of the class.
o Edit it on any time.
o Ask to view the attendance at specific date and edit it.
Seems fishy, lol.

If you did most of it, why does this part bring concern?
i dont know how to do the attendance part :S :S i really need help im supposed to deliver it in a day :'(
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