How to set certain bits of unsigned short

I have a double variable and depending on certain conditions I need to set certain bits of an unsigned short Variable. For example, if double var is odd I need to set the 15th bit of the unsigned short variable. I am a little clueless on how to do this, can anyone give me some input in how to do this.
Thanks In Advance
Assuming the 15th bit is counted starting from 1.
usVar = 0;
usVar |= 1 << 14

By the way, how do you check if a double is odd? Do you check only the integral part?
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Thanks for the example. By any chance, can you explain what that code is doing? Oh yeah, I am not checking to see if num is odd was just giving an example. I am checking to see if it is divisible by 200.
The first line simply sets all the bits of usVar to 0.

The second line is equivalent to
usVar = usVar | (1 << 14); // parentheses because I don't remember operator precedence

<< is the "left shift" operator. It moves the bits representing a value by a number of places specified by the number on the right.
For example let's do 7 << 2
7 = 00000111
Moving the bits to the left by 2 places yields 00 | 00011100. The leftmost bits are lost, and the hole is filled with 0s.
Now, 1 = 00000001. You can see that only the first bit is on. Left-shifting by N means that you will turn on only one bit, the one N positions away from the rightmost bit, and the first bit will be left with a 0. This allows you to turn on a specific bit, and to turn on that bit for another value you use the bitwise OR.

| is the bitwise OR operator. You need to know some boolean algebra here; if you do you can easily understand that
usVar = 00000000 OR
1<<5  = 00100000 

you turned on the 5th bit of usVar. (counting from 0, or 6th from 1)

I used 8 bits for simplicity.
Important note: bit shifting is relatively easy with unsigned types, which use logical shift. For signed types it's more complex, they use arithmetic shift.
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Thanks so much!! Fully understand.
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