How to initialise in main for my program?

#include <vector>

template <typename T>
class Vector
int _size; //Slots used.
int _capacity; //Total capacity.
T *_store; //To store the items array

Vector() //Do I need to insert arguments like (size, cap, *store)???

int main() {
vector<int> intV;
Vector intV(); //Doesn't work.

Vector (vector<int> intV); //Tried setting arguments into constructor.

return 0;

I'm always missing template arguments before intV???
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Vector is a template class. When you instantiate it, you need to instantiate it for a specific type - in exactly the same way as you would for a std::vector.
I see thanks.

For others who may view this:

Just needed to do this:
Vector<T> ()
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