Morse code translator

Problem solved. PM user for solution.
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closed account (o1vk4iN6)
You don't capitalize the sentence again as it's on the outside of your loop that repeats for every input.

Also if you are going to use a switch statement with that many cases are least make it take up less room and make it easier to read...

switch (sentence[j]){
	case 'A': cout << ".- "; break;
	case 'B': cout << "-... "; break;
	case 'C': cout << "-.-. "; break;
	case 'D': cout << "-.. "; break;
	case 'E': cout << ". ";   break;
// ... 

You could probably use some kind of array instead of the switch statement.
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You don't convert the second sentence to uppercase.
Yay, it works! Thank you for the help.

@xerzi: I'll keep that in mind. I was following the convention used in the C++ tutorial. I was actually going to try programming the Morse code translator with an array as my next attempt.
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