linker error HELP!!!!

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

//define global vars
const int Column=15;
const int Row=2;
// define typedef strings
typedef char stringF[Column];
typedef char stringL[Column];
typedef char stringID[Column];
//initialize string arrays
stringF F_name[Row];
stringL L_name[Row];
stringID ID[Row];
//prototype arrays
void populate_array(const int&,const int&, stringF F_name[],stringL L_name[], stringID ID[],double Hours[],double Rate[]);
void calc_Overtime(const int&, double Hours[],double Overime[]);
void calc_Gross(const int&, double OverTime[], double Rate[],double Gross[]);
void calc_Fed(const int&, double Fed[],double Gross[]);
void calc_State(const int&, double State[],double Gross[]);
void calc_Union(const int&, double Union[],double Gross[]);
void calc_Net(const int&,double Fed[],double Union[],double Net[], double State[],double Gross[]);
void output(const int&,const int&, stringF F_name[],stringL L_name[], stringID ID[],double Hours[],double Rate[], double Fed[],double Union[],double Net[], double State[],double Gross[], double OverTime[]);

int main()
//initialize double arrays
double Hours[Row];
double Gross[Row];
double Rate[Row];
double OverTime[Row];
double State[Row];
double Fed[Row];
double Union[Row];
double Net[Row];
//call funcs
populate_array (Row, Column, F_name, L_name, ID, Hours, Rate);
calc_Overtime(Row, Hours, OverTime);
calc_Gross(Row, OverTime, Rate, Gross);
calc_Fed(Row, Fed, Gross);
calc_State(Row, State, Gross);
calc_Union(Row, Union, Gross);
calc_Net(Row, Fed, Union, Net, State, Gross);
output(Row, Column, F_name, L_name, ID, Hours, Rate, Fed, Union, Net, State, Gross, OverTime);
system("pause");return 0;}

void populate_array(const int Row, const int Column, stringF F_name[],stringL L_name[], stringID ID[],double Hours[],double Rate[])//function poplulates array with user input values
int Counter=0, Counter2=1;
while (Counter < Row)
cout<<"please input the first name of employee number maximum of 15 letters "<<Counter2<<endl;

cout<< "please input the last name of employee number maximum of 15 letters "<< Counter2<<endl;

cout<< "please input the ID# of employee number "<< Counter2<<endl;

cout<< "please input the hours worked of employee number "<< Counter2<<endl;
while (Hours[Counter]< 40|| Hours[Counter]> 60)
cout<< "invalid input, please input the hours worked of employee number "<< Counter2<<endl;
cout<< "please input the hours worked of employee number "<< Counter2 <<endl;
while (Rate[Counter] < 0)
cout<< "invalid input, please input the hourly rate of employee number "<< Counter2<<endl;
Counter++, Counter2++ ;

void calc_Overtime(const int Row, double Hours[], double OverTime[])//function calculates overtime
int Counter=0;
while (Counter < Row)
OverTime[Counter]= Hours[Counter]-40;

void calc_Gross(const int Row, double OverTime[], double Rate[],double Gross[])//function calculates Gross
int Counter=0;
while (Counter<Row)
Gross[Counter]= 40*Rate[Counter]+ Rate[Counter]*1.5*OverTime[Counter];

void calc_Fed(const int Row, double Fed[], double Gross[]) //function calculates Fed tax
int Counter=0;
while (Counter<Row)
Fed[Counter]= .05*Gross[Counter];

void calc_State(const int Row, double State[], double Gross[])//function calculates state tax
int Counter=0;
while (Counter<Row)
State[Counter]= .15*Gross[Counter] ;
void calc_Union(const int Row, double Union[], double Gross[])//function calculates Union fees
int Counter=0;
Union[Counter]= .02*Gross[Counter] ;

void calc_Net(const int Row,double Fed[],double Union[],double Net[], double State[], double Gross[])//function calculates Net
int Counter=0;
while (Counter<Row)
Net[Counter]= Gross[Counter]- State[Counter]-Union[Counter]-Fed[Counter];

void output(const int Row, const int Column, stringF F_name[], stringL L_name[], stringID ID[] ,double Hours[],double Rate[],double Fed[],double Union[],double Net[],double State[], double Gross[],double OverTime[])//function prints output to .txt file

cout<<" Company A B C" <<endl;
cout<<" = = = = = = = = " <<endl;
cout<<" pay Roll System" <<endl;
cout<< setw(15)<<" First name"<<setw(15)<<"Last name"<<setw(15)<<"Id#"<<setw(15)<<"Rate/h"<<setw(15)<<"OT hours"<<setw(15)<<"Gross"<<setw(15)<<"State Tax"<<setw(15)<<"Federal Tax"<<setw(15)<<"Union fees"<<setw(15)<<"Net"<<endl;
cout<< setw(15)<<" =============="<<setw(15)<<"=============="<<setw(15)<<"=============="<<setw(15)<<"=============="<<setw(15)<<"=============="<<setw(15)<<"=============="<<setw(15)<<"=============="<<setw(15)<<"=============="<<setw(15)<<"=============="<<setw(15)<<"=============="<<endl;
while (Counter<Row)
cout<<setw(15)<<F_name[Counter]<<setw(15)<<L_name[Counter]<< setw(15)<<ID[Counter]<<setw(15)<<Rate[Counter]<<setw(15)<<OverTime[Counter]<<setw(15)<<Gross[Counter]<<setw(15)<<State[Counter]<<setw(15)<<Fed[Counter]<<setw(15)<<Union[Counter]<<setw(15)<<Net[Counter]<<endl;

I'm getting
"[Linker error] undefined reference to `calc_Overtime(int const&, double*, double*)' " for every function.
What am I doing wrong? please help I need to hand this in in 3 hours!!!!!!
void calc_Overtime(const int&, double Hours[],double Overime[]);
void calc_Overtime(const int Row, double Hours[], double OverTime[])
//Spot the difference
//Hint: this is two completely different functions 
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