I need help writing a basic roulette program!
I'm super lost and confused on where to go from here

Input VariablesSTARTING_MONEY (100)
Type of Bet (odd, even, zero, or quit)
Output VariablesMoney Remaining (starts out as STARTING_MONEY)Number of WinsNumber of LossesWheel NumberAlgorithmGive instructions to the player.
Seed the random number generator.
while (Money Remaining > 0 and Type of Bet is not Quit)
Prompt player for Type of Bet
If the Type of Bet is Even or Odd or Zero:
Generate a random Wheel Number from 0 to 36 (inclusive)
Display Wheel Number
if (Wheel Number is zero and player chose Zero
OR Wheel Number is odd and player chose Odd
OR Wheel Number is even (but not zero) and player chose Even)
if (WheelNumber is zero)
Add ZERO_WIN_AMOUNT to Money Remaining
Add BET_AMOUNT to Money Remaining
Add one to Number of Wins
Congratulate player and display Money Remaining
Subtract BET_AMOUNT from Money Remaining
Add one to Number of Losses
Tell player “sorry” and display Money Remaining
else if (Type of Bet is not Q)
Print an error message for invalid input
Print the Money Remaining, Number of Wins, and Number of Losses
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