help with login authen

my program only allow userdata from "userdatabase.txt" to enter when ask for login and password. but now I anyhow type also can login.
can anyone tell me where is the problem.

void authUser() // Function that prompts for user to login and matches input with userdatabase.txt
string accountID = ""; // initialize temp accountID to null
string password = ""; // initialize temp password to null
int invalidCount = 0;

char c = ' ';

bool validUser = false;
bool failedLogin = false;

while (validUser != true) // to check for invalid login
using std :: cout;
using std :: endl;
void Encrypt( char [ ] ); // prototypes of functions used in the code
void Decrypt( char * ePtr );

cout << logo_MainMenu << endl;
if (failedLogin == true) // Displays error before asking for username/password
if (invalidCount == 1) // tests for invalid login, 1 / 3 chance used up
cout << "\E[1;32mInvalid Account ID / Password. Please try again!\E[0m" << endl;
cout << "You have used up 1 / 3 chances to login." << endl;
cout << "If you fail to login after 3 tries, the application will lock down and exit!" << endl;
else if (invalidCount == 2) // tests for invalid login, 2 / 3 chance used up
cout << "\E[1;32mInvalid Account ID / Password. Please try again!\E[0m" << endl;
cout << "You have used up 2 / 3 chances to login." << endl;
cout << "If you fail to login after 3 tries, the application will lock down and exit!" << endl;
else // tests for invalid login, 3 / 3 chance used up
cout << "\E[1;32mInvalid Account ID / Password.\E[0m" << endl;
cout << "You have used up 3 / 3 chances to login." << endl << endl;
cout << "The application will now lock down and exit!" << endl;
exit (0); // exit application
cout << endl << "To login, please enter your Account ID and Password" << endl;
cout << "(type \"exit\" to terminate the application)" << endl << endl;
cout << "Account ID: ";
getline (cin, accountID);

if (accountID == "exit") // user can exit anytime
exit (0);
// by typing "exit" at username or password
if (password == "exit")
exit (0);

char clear[200] = {0};
char cipher[200] = {0}; // trying to to encrypting and decrypt
char filename[80];
int x,i;
ofstream outputFile;"yxy.txt"); // the text file that my encrypted password goes into

ifstream userDatabaseIN("userdatabase.txt", ios::in); // the text file that userdata is stored at

cout << "Enter Password:" ; // asking for password

x = strlen(clear);
// Encryption
for(i=0; i<=x-1; i++)
if (isspace(clear[i]))
cipher[i] = clear[i];
cipher[i] = clear[i]+3;

// Decryption
for(i=0; i<=x-1; i++)
if (isspace(cipher[i]))
clear[i] = cipher[i];
clear[i] = cipher[i]-3;

outputFile<<" Encrypted:" << cipher << endl;
outputFile<<" Decrypted:" << clear << endl; //output
cout<<"Encrypted and Decrypted password transfer to yxy.txt\n";

return ;
Please use code tags

Your while { matches up with the } after the return statement, the function { thus does not match up correctly with any ending }.
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