my assignment project but am having big problem with it

Using OOP concepts write a C++ class to implement a transaction log that records all customer transactions in a store. Each transaction contains the following items:

Customer ID.
Transaction ID.
Use a dynamic array to record all transactions. The transaction log should offer the following member functions:

Suitable constructors to allocate the dynamic array of transactions.
generateRandomData(): uses the rand() functions to generate random values for all transaction items.
displayData(): print out all the transactions to the screen.
writeDataTofile(): accept a file name as a parameter and write all transaction to the file.
insertTransaction(): takes a transaction as a parameter and insert it at the end of the transaction array.
searchTransaction(): takes a transaction as a parameter and look or it in the transaction array. If the transaction is available then it is printed to the screen if it is not then the function should display a not found message.
deleteTransaction: takes a transaction as a parameter and delete it. If the transaction doesn't exist an error message should be displayed.
Implement a main() function to test all methods mentioned above.
So what's the problem you're having?
i need the code that will give this output all that am trying is giving me error
What is the error?

And what is the code that's giving you the error?

We can't tell you how to fix what's wrong if you don't tell us what's wrong.
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#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
// creating classtemplate with name transaction log T//
template <class T>
class transaction{
char transactionID[50];
int cost;
int date;
int time;

virtual void read()=0;
virtual void show()=0;

//creating template class with name items T
template <class T>
class items: public transaction <double>

int customerId;
void read();
void show();
//redefinition of virtual function read() in class items
template <class T>
void transaction <T>::read()
cout << "Enter tansaction id";
cin.getline(transactionID, 50);
cout<<"enter cost of item in dollar";
cin >>cost;
cout<<"enter customerid";
cin >> cost;
cout<< "enter date";
cin>> date;
cout<<"enter time in 12hrs format";
cin>> time;
// funtion show() in the class time
template< class T>
class time: public transaction <double>
void time <T>:: show()
T time;
void read();
void show();


can u tell me whats wrong here please before i continue
It helps if you tell us what the actual errors are.

One thing I see that's wrong is this:

template< class T>
 class time: public transaction <double>
 void time <T>:: show()  // <- this is nonsense 

For a prototype of a member function inside a class, you don't need to specify the class scope (because you're already in the class). IE: you don't need the scope operator ::

So you could do this instead:
template< class T>
 class time: public transaction <double>
 void show();  // <- fixed 

Though you don't seem to be using the :: operator anywhere else so I'm not sure why you thought you needed it there.
Why are your transaction and items classes even using templates?
how about this i re write the first step no error syntax so far please am i in line
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <new>
using namespace std;
// creating classtemplate with name transaction log T//
class transaction{

int transactionid;
int customerid;
int cost;
int date;
int time;

transaction(int a, int b, int c, int d , int e);
void read(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e);
void show(int a, int b, int c, int d);

transaction::transaction (int a, int b, int c, int d , int e)


transactionid =a;
customerid =b;
cost =c;
date= d;
time= e;

void transaction ::read(int a, int b, int c, int d , int e)
transactionid =a;
customerid =b;
cost =c;
date= d;
time= e;
int main()
cout << "Enter tansaction id\n";
cout<<"enter cost of item in dollar\n";
cout<<"enter customerid\n";
cout<< "enter date\n";
cout<<"enter time in 12hrs format";
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