Boost serialization archive versions

Hope everyone is doing well.

I'm having an issue with boost serialization. I have serialized a file on my ODroid U2 using Boost v1.53. I'm trying to deserialize the file on a computer which only has Boost v1.46; however, line 7 below causes the following error:

CMyClass Exception thrown: unsupported version


1 void CMyClass::enableDeserialize(std::string file, bool binary) {
2 filename = file ;
3 isBinary = binary ;
4 ifs = new std::ifstream(file.c_str()) ;
5 try {
6 if (isBinary) {
7 CMyClass::ib = new boost::archive::binary_iarchive(*ifs) ;
8 } else {
9 CMyClass::ia = new boost::archive::text_iarchive(*ifs) ;
10 }
11 } catch (boost::archive::archive_exception e) {
12 std::cout << "CMyClass Exception thrown: " << e.what() << std::endl ;
13 }
14 }

The boost archive version for v1.53 (version I serialized with) is 10 and the boost archive version for v1.46 (the version I'm trying to deserialize with) is 9. Boost documentation hasn't helped me determine the differences between the 2 archive versions. I've only been able to find answers for how to deserialize an older archive. Please note, I don't do anything with BOOST_CLASS_VERSION. CMyClass hasn't changed at all.

I can't imagine boost can handle the deserialization of a newer archive so I don't feel like I'm missing that answer. What I need to know if if there is a way I can serialize in v1.53 based on boost archive version 9 instead of 10. I'm hoping the new version of boost will still allow me to serialize at an older version. Then, I should be able to deserialize the archive just fine.

Any advice you could provide is much appreciated!
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