
I'm currently trying to log real-time data by using boost::thread and a check box. When I check the box, the logging thread starts. When I uncheck, the logging thread stops. The problem arises when I check/uncheck repeatedly and very fast (program crashes, some files aren't logged, etc.). How can I write a reliable thread-safe program where these problems don't occur when repeatedly and quickly checking/unchecking? I also don't want to use join() since this temporarily stops the data input coming from the main thread. Below is a code snippet:

//Main thread


if(m_ThreadLogData.InitializeReadThread(socketInfo))//opens the socket.
//If socket is opened and can be read, start thread.
std::cout << "Did not initialize thread\n";
else if(!m_loggingCheckBox->isChecked())



void ThreadLogData::StartReadThread()
//std::cout << "Thread started." << std::endl;
m_stopLogThread = false;
m_threadSendData = boost::thread(&ThreadLogData::LogData,this);

void ThreadLogData::StopReadThread()
m_stopLogThread = true;
m_ReadDataSocket.close_socket(); // close the socket

ofstreamLogFile.flush(); //flush the log file before closing it.
ofstreamLogFile.close(); // close the log file
m_threadSendData.interrupt(); // interrupt the thread
//m_threadSendData.join(); // join the thread. Commented out since this temporarily stops data input.


//secondary thread
bool ThreadLogData::LogData()

try {

//log the data to an output file

} catch (boost::thread_interrupted& interruption) {
std::cout << "ThreadLogData::LogData(): Caught Interruption thread." << std::endl;
} catch (...) {
std::cout << "ThreadLogData::LogData(): Caught Something." << std::endl;

} // end while()


m_threadSendData.interrupt(); // interrupt the thread

Threads generally aren't expected to be interrupted or killed. Notice that the C++ <thread> library offers no means to do that.

Communicate your button state to the thread using condition variables or other inter-thread communication mechanisms.
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