Troubling with sizeof char within structy


i've been strugling with an troublesome compiler bug i think.

for the following code you would expect the total struct size to be 5 however that is not the case.
struct tagTest
char a; // 1 byte large
int b; // 4 bytes large

Somehow when i debug my program and ask for the sizeof(tagTest) the size was transformed into 8 bytes.

so i tried to see what was wrong and come to the conclusion that when a char is declared before any other type than char it automaticly takes over the size of the type in memory.

I'm using microsoft visual studio 2012.

I am wondering if its compiler side or just a rule within c++ and how i can solve this to be how it should be.

thanks in advance
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Thanks, knowing what to look for really saved my day.

In microsoft visual studio 2012

Project Properties -> Configuration -> C/C++ -> Code Generation _> Struct Member Alignment

Set it to the prefered alignment size.
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