Need Help with Hangman project

I have no clue how to write this program but the requirements for it are:
C++ Project: Hangman
Your next project is to create a hangman game. You must create your own user interface and come up
with a strategy to include a word bank for three separate levels for your game. You can use sequential
access files (SAF) OR random access files (RAF). Find an effective way to use SAF or RAF! I will be
checking over your programs for completion of criteria and any logic errors that might become evident
to me.
The program should pick a word from a data file and display on the screen how many characters the
word has in some visual format (i.e. Guess the following word :??????). Each “?” mark represents a
letter in the word. The user then tries to guess the letters in the word. An appropriate response should
be displayed on the screen after each guess. If an incorrect letter is chosen then a part of the gallows
should be displayed on the screen. After seven incorrect guesses, the user should be hung. This game
must include the following:
1. Pre-planning – pseudo code, flowcharts, or IPO charts
2. A splash screen with the name of the game, name of programmer, and options to
choose Easy, Medium, or Difficult levels.
3. Information or rules on how the game is played.
4. Use of <iostream>, <fstream>, <string>, <cmath>, <time>
5. Use of a random number generator to choose a word from the data file.
6. Three separate data files for easy, medium, and difficult. Each data file should consist of
twenty-five words. Each level dictates the length of the word. Easy = to words that are
3 to 5 characters; Medium = to words that are 7 to 15 characters; Difficult = to words
that are greater than 15 characters.
7. Use of of chars, integers, arrays, and strings.
8. Create a Hangman class that will house all the major coding for this project.
9. Use of functions for the following:
a. A function that loads the word depending on the level. A masking character
should be used to represent the actual letters of the word.
b. A function that displays the instructions.
c. A function that displays the gallows. There should only be seven guesses that a
user can make until the game is over.
d. A function that checks to see if the letter is in the word.
e. A function that displays the number of words solved versus the number of
words unsolved.
10. Use of color (HINT: At the command prompt type “color ?” without the “ “)
11. A gaming loop. The user should be given the chance to play again. If the user decides to
not to play again then the program needs to display the number of words solved versus
the number of unsolved words.
I am confused do you want me to write your entire project for you? I can help you if you post what you have to so far and I can point you in the right direction.
Adam, me and you need to have a talk next class. This is a huge no no!
lol teacher caught out the student? :)
Id be glad to help you if you supply code to start with. hope you do not get in trouble for asking for help. however you should ask your teacher first.

+1 Noob Programmer
+1 Noob Programmer

however you should ask your teacher first.

Or make an account with an alias :P.
Or make an account with an alias :P.


or rearrange the question so it is not word for word from your teacher.
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