Open World RPG - Loading System

Hello all,
I am making an open world RPG game. I have already done the graphics rendering (with directx 11 on windows 8). I am a bit confused of how to load all of this data in, and I looked into how the game Skyrim did it. I didn't find much information about it at all, apart from it uses cells for each bit of the game, and if you character were to kick a pumpkin (for example) it would record the new location in the player's save file. The same goes for spells, perks, quests, etc.
My problem is, I'm not sure how to implement something similar in code!
If anyone could help, or point me in the right direction, that'd be great!
Also, if anyone knows anything else about how Skyrim loads all of its data, that'd be very useful to me!
If you want to see actual code, you can decompile Minecraft with Minecraft Coder Pack, or search For Cataclysm: open source, open world game with cell based saves and look into it.
Basically save file might look like this:
Items: [
{ id: "stone", posx: 5, posy: -1, damage: 0},
{ id: "pumpkin", posx: 0, posy: -1, spoils: -1011 },
enemies: [
{id: "zombie", health: 5, weapon: { id: "club", wear: 3}},

Thanks MiiNiPaa,
One other thing, at what time should I load the cells into RAM?
I was thinking that the cell you're in and all adjacent ones should be loaded, so it's like a 3x3, but is that the best way? Should I load all of the cells? Should I do it like a 5x5? Should I load in parts of a cell and then load the rest in when you enter it?
Depends on cell size, your visibility area and perfomance.
If cell size ≈ visibility area, I would start with 5x5 always loaded cells. Maybe I would do "always have 5x5 cells loaded but do not unload cells unless they are farther than 4 cells from you" to avoid excess loading in case you will zig-zag on cells edge.
Ah good idea, thanks
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