Auto Wifi Manger

I know there lots of wifi mangers out there but since Easy Wifi is no longer up and running id like to make a new version

code in c++

Views all wifi
Checks if has internet ( local laptop or pc )
Checks if any saved hot-spots (favorites)
Connects - Sign's in
Checks internet

I guess windows has a api for most of this, then i need a database to store user names and passwords and ssid , and to send a http code to log in (unsure)

and a lil windows interface to add, edit, and remove saved hotspots (no idea on windows interfaces)

also a taskbar icon to show connectivity

i have basic - intermediate c++ just nothink about using api's (just started with direct x)

any help info , anythink really id be very great full (will be on git hub when i start)

I have intermediate-expert knowledge and I don't mind creating a database which is encrypted that connect to the internet. After creating ridiculous questions like this, remind one thing: Google has all this info.
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