Game Design

I'm new to c++ programming and decided it might be an option to create a console game. Specifically a simple RPG. However I have done loads of research on it and have come to a breaking point. I have code::blocks, but I need a compiler, I have devcpp but it doesn't seem to be working and just compiles a hello world program over and over no matter what I change, I have heard of sdl, allegro, OpenGL and the such but none seem to be working for what I'm trying to do? I might have a faulty installation/download but its difficult. If anyone can recommend me to a good compiler that works for code::blocks besides visual studio that would be awesome, as well as a graphics engine I can use that doesn't take too long to learn. And anything else I might be missing in between. As well as any tutorials or guides for c++ game programming would be great. I have been doing further reading on this sight as well but anything else would be a great help for me. Any recommendations would help thank you.
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Very helpful thank you =)
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