Running a program outside ide

Hey after you have compiled a program can you run it without an IDE?
Yes, just open the executable that was created.
double click the .exe file your compilation created ?
And if I want to make start when the computer switches on, how do I do it? I've read about the HKeY folder but I didn't really get it. How do you do it on Windows 7?is the method any different for Windows xp and vista?
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That's up to your OS.
You can google it easily.
Hmm thanks :) so if I place this eve in the HKeY it should work

Cmd -> cd C:\path\to\your\program -> your_executable.exe

Linux/Mac OS X/other Unixes:

Terminal (bash) -> cd /path/to/your/program -> ./your_program_name
on windows you can put it in startup folder, which is the simplest. there are other ways too like converting the program into services but which are complex.

On unix, you can do the same with crontab.
Where is the startup folder?
Thanks a lot guys :) you really helped a lot.
Can someone also tell me a bit about what you can use windows. h for?
go in start -> all programs -> startup
right click it and say open. put anything there, it is going to open/execute when your windows boot.

somewhere here -
C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

edit: on windows7.
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windows.h is used if you want to program win32 applications. This header contains all the windows api's exist today. like you want to create your own text editor.. in fact every application running on windows actually uses windows api.

pick a book for windows programming, like charles petzold.
For the startup folder, do you need administrator privileges?
try it.. :-)
Yup you do :)
@ OP: No you don't. By default the owner of the profile will have write permissions full control to their own start up folder.
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Uhhhh yeah but if you're not admin then yeah
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By owner I didn't mean the person that is meant to posses to folder. The term "Owner" has a very specific meaning in the context of Windows security. The 'Starup' folder, by default, is set to inherit ACL's from its parent directory. So if at any point in that tree you find your self with either the 'SeImpersonatePrivilege', 'seDebugPrivilege' or the 'SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege' token privilege then you are only a few steps away at the very most from obtaining full access. We can continue to talk about Windows security settings but I'd like to insert a shameless self plug at this point:
Important Note: This article gets a lot of flak because I flaked and mixed up the reference and pass by address operators through out the whole thing. So try ignore that part.
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