How to output one particular field in a form

Pages: 12
Are you just capitalizing the first letter of the name?

I think I'd do that once as the name is entered and store it that way instead of doing a conversion every time the name is output.

The <cctype> header has a toupper function (as well as tolower, isupper, islower).

std::cin>>group[i].surname; //name entered
if (islower(group[i].surname[0])) //if the first character is lower case
    group[i].surname[0] = toupper(group[i].surname[0]);//use the toupper function 
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Okay! I think your suggestion is perfect...
Thanks a bunch!
Still on that program, how can make it to output:
1. List of users arranged in alphabetical order of Surnames.
2. List of all users in the same department who come from the same state, but arranged according to sex.
Assuming I included a "state" as a new member of d struct
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If you're allowed to use the <algorithm> header, there's a sort function there. There's an example in the thread below.
At the end of the day, I was able to list all users in alphabetical order by surname but was unable to sort users whose dept and state matched according to sex...
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Pages: 12