GotoXY Problem

I created a program in C++. A template of a enrollment form.
I can set the first location of the cursor. But I cant reset it whenever im on the other field.

Example: There is a template. At first load, the cursor is in the firstname field upon entering the value of the firstname and hitting the enterykey on the keyboard, the cursor should be in the Surname field. And so on and so fort.

Does anybody already encounter this kind of logic. Any idea would be appreciated.

Why are you using the console? It is much harder to use than a graphics library.

Listen to Duoas, by the way.
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It depends. There is a lot of setup needed to do something with any graphics library, whereas the console is just ready. Fill the screen with data using cout, then GotoXY() to wherever you want the user to type.

gotoxy() for Windows:

gotoxy() for POSIX (Linux, etc) and Windows

(A lot of business applications are still written for the console.) Still, it is worth your time to eventually learn how to do this with a proper GUI applications library or framework, like FLTK or wxWidgets or Qt or even Win32.

Hope this helps.
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