C++ rant - lack of developer friendliness is poor design

Pages: 12
Really I was just countering the anti-MS hater attitude with my previous reply. =P
Anyone who criticizes MS is a hater now?

Stroustrup is a fan of verbosity
Really? C++ started off doing a lot of silent conversions to keep the verbosity down, to make the code look more like C. Over time, mechanisms have been added to make implicit code more explicit, and that's where things have become more verbose.

To my mind, the only thing that was ought right vebose was the C++ cast syntax. I think casting is such an important thing in C++ (you're overriding the type system) that it's right that it should be explicit.

And then there's the IOStream library? Well, it was the first widely used C++ library. It is what it is.

I agree, the search sucks, but luckily public search engines can index MSDN, so it's not the end of the world.

They're also dropping information, possibly silently. There's stuff on the old MSDN CDs that arn't published anymore.

Nevertheless, it's hugely important, and the source for information about MS development.
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Pages: 12