Leap Motion C++ Virtual Piano


I currently have a project that requires me to build a leap motion Virtual Piano.
I am using Windows Visual Studio 2013 and i plan to use C++ to code it.
However i am pretty new in programming hence i need some help!

I assume my first step is to create a virtual piano using C++.. Then, link it with leap motion interface.

Can i know which audio library suits my project and how can i go about doing it?
Any snippet of the code will be great help!
Are you going to use some sort of GUI to visualize the keyboard and which keys are being held down or maybe a music visualizer? If so you'll need a graphics library such as SFML, SDL, Allegro, OpenGL, or DirectX. As far as audio I haven't used a pure audio library before but I know in SFML they have a pretty good section on Audio. http://sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.1/group__audio.php

As far as connecting to leap motion you'd need to get some sort of API from them. https://developer.leapmotion.com/
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