Working with programming

Hi, I have a quick question about working with programming.

Since we all know that there are countless ways to write the same program, how does this one's program?

Like, if I use, let's say 100 lines of code while someone else uses like 60 lines of code to write the same program.
Will my program be tougher to use for the computer (I know that 100 vs 60 isn't that much of a difference but like if we put it on a bigger scale).

And does it look more amateurish with more lines of code?
Will my program be tougher to use for the computer
Usually more lines = more parsing, but it is not always the case. Amount of symbols (not related to characters. It is a specific term) compiler have to hold in memory, structure of the program has impact on compiling perfomance. 20 lines templated program can have more load on compiler than 1000 lines one.
Usually you should not bother with compiling time. It is not related to quality of program and your users will not even know about it.

And does it look more amateurish with more lines of code?
As less line usually means better readability, do not go Perl on your program. If you have a choice: shorter or readable source code, choose readable.
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