Suggestion to improve the do ... while loop structure

Pages: 12
Analyzing unoptimized compiler output is entirely pointless. Compilers generate unoptimized code that's so bad it's simply useless other than for debugging purposes.
Analyzing unoptimized compiler output is entirely pointless. Compilers generate unoptimized code that's so bad it's simply useless other than for debugging purposes.

Seen from your point of view. For me is very useful to learn assembler and also to know how the generated code of a C++ code will be. Thank you very much for everything Helio! You also teach me a lot!

PF, ncomputers
You should not be thinking about what the result of compiling C++ code will be, as it is different for every platform and architecture.
You should not be thinking about what the result of compiling C++ code will be, as it is different for every platform and architecture.

Ok, I will consider it. I remember your username too. You've helped me! Thaaank you very muuch for everything! :D

PF, ncomputers.
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Pages: 12