student information in c++ fstream

how to add a record,
how to edit a record,
how to search the record,
how to delete the record

using a text file or file handling in c++

Here's the following code...
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A text file has sequential access. So unless the records are exactly the same length, which is not the case in a text file, you need to read it into memory, make your changes, then rewrite the file.
we need code to start off with...
I won't write any code unless you're really stuck; it more about teaching you how to fish rather than giving you fish.

You need to define your record. It seems your record has a: name, id, course.

Then you need to create a collection of records which is filled in when you read the file. A collection is a vector, list, set, map, ... If you're not sure what to use, start with vector. Later on you may need to change to something more convenient.

If you need to change a record, you need to search for the one you're interested in and change the details.

At the end, you overrite the file with the content of the collection.
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