Display Calculator

Hi guys I am having trouble as I need to display a simple calculator using cout however I have no idea how to start it. Can someone please help me with certain guide lines ??

I need to display something like
| 0.000000 |
| |
| 1 2 3 + |
| 4 5 6 - |
| 7 8 9 * |
| 0 C / |
Are you just trying to print certain characters and newlines to the screen, or are you actually wanting it to be a interactive GUI?

If the only thing you're updating is the number displayed, you'd cout << '|', then you'd have to know what precision you want to set the decimal place at, cout the calculated number, and then cout another |.
You'd also have to print everything else out again every time you update the number displayed on the calculator, but this should be the easy part.
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