Help with 'Pow; was not declared

Hi, I have a problem with the power .. it says it's not declared in this scope!

#include <iostream> // Access cout
#include <cmath> // Access power function
#include <iomanip> // Access manipulators
using namespace std;
const float loan_amount = 50000.00; // Amount of loan
const float yearly_interest = 0.0524; // Yearly interest
const int number_of_years = 7; // Number of years
int main ()
// Local Variables
float MonthlyInterest; // Monthly interest rate
int NumberOfPayments; // Total Number Of Payments
float payment; // Monthly Payment
// Calculate Values
MonthlyInterest = yearly_interest / 12;
NumberOfPayments = number_of_years * 12;
payment=(loan_amount*Pow((MonthlyInterest+1, NumberOfPayments) * MonthlyInterest)/ Pow(MonthlyInterest+1, NumberOfPayments)-1);
// Output results
cout << fixed << setprecision (2) << "For a loan amount of" << loan_amount << "with an interset rate of" << yearly_interest << "and a " << number_of_years
<< " year mortgage, " << endl;
cout << "your monthly payment are $ " << payment << "." << endl;
return 0;
The pow function is spelled with lower case P.
okay now:
[Error] no matching function for call to 'pow(float)'

I think you have put one of the parenthesis in the wrong place.
thank you!!
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